An Asmat Jiape funerary costume, Sawa village, NW Asmat area, West Papua, made by Desan for their deceased relative Momas who died in 1985. The Jipae Ceremony is preformed to release the spirits of the recently deceased so that their spirits can move on to the afterlife, each costume represents a known person. In the field photo you can see the Jipae and this costume in Sawa village (on the right). The ceremony lasted several months (the costumes make occasional appearances at the front of the special made ceremonial house or jeu). Women and children only hear the singing and drums coming from the men's house. They May also see the costumes from the edge of the village. On the last day of the ceremony the costumes walk through the village to receive gifts of food and other items they might need on their journey to the afterworld. The families of the represented deceased throw themselves onto the ground in front of the costumes, pulling at them and mourning their departure from this world. It is a very emotional moment, after the intense mourning the costumes disappear into the jungle never to be seen again. Provenance: Todd Barlin collection. Height 170 cm