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Lot No.
Forty eight Arrows and an ancient wood bow, these arrows are of the highest quality; collected by Todd Barlin. 'In 1985 I walked with medical patrol from lake Kopiago in the Southern Highlands to the Hewa people (they are between the Southern Highlands and East Sepik Province ) It took three days of up and down mountains and on the third late afternoon we ran into our first group of Hewa people, to say the least they were surprised to see me & the three other unknown Papuan New Guinea ns. They had not seen any outsiders for 10-15 years. They did not wear western clothes and still lived in the very tall tree houses, mostly untouched and unnoticed by the outside world. I asked about material culture and they seemed only to have beautifully made arrows and this axe was also offered for trade. See the attached field photos of my trip to Hewa. The men I met that first day, every man and bow was carrying a bow and arrows' - Todd Barlin (48)
Tribal: New Guinean