H. G. Wells: 'The Undying fire' (London, 1919) presentation copy signed and endorsed by Wells 'To cherry-Garrard, with Warmest Thanks for His Penguins, from H.G.Wells'; 'Phoenix - a Summary of the Inescapable Conditions of world Reorganisation' (London, 1942) with cherry-Garrard's ownership insription 'On page 145 Wells (Who Kindly Says I Am a friend) Says the King penguin is extinct. But actually i saved them and Wells helped me. (See the Undying fire which he wrote). Hughes of Australia took away the licence from the Southern Exploration Company)'; plus 'The first Men in the moon' (London, 1901). (Apsley George Benet cherry-Garrard (1886-1959) was one of the youngest members of Scott's 'Terra Nova' Antarctic Expedition (1910-1913). He launched a tireless campaign to end the slaughter of penguins on Macquarie Island. Wells highlighted their plight in 'The Undying fire' (p.99-101), and their efforts contributed to the negative publicity surrounding the issue and the penguin oil refineries were banned in February 1920). Important association copies