A black and gold trimmed velour tracksuit with matching flared trousers; tiacetate and nylon; by novita; size 12;. Bust 85 cm. Waist 65 cm hip 90 cm; bottom, size 10. Waist 24 inches; good condition. Bust 85 cm. Waist 65 cm hip 90 cm bottom size 10. Waist 24 inches. Bust 85 cm. Waist 65 cm hip 90 cm bottom size 10. Waist 24 inches. Bust 85 cm. Waist 65 cm hip 90 cm bottom size 10. Waist 24 inches. . Bust 85 cm. Waist 65 cm hip 90 cm bottom size 10. Waist 24 inches. Bust 85 cm. Waist 65 cm hip 90 cm bottom size 10. Waist 24 inches.