Japanese Illustrated Book. [Japanese Illustrated Book] Moko Shurai Ekotoba... [The Story with Pictures of the Mongolian Invasion] Tokyo, Fuzoku-Emaki, Taisho 5 [1916]. 3 volumes complete.Vol.1. 27 double-page colour woodcut illustrations, 5 double pages of old text, 2-page preface. Vol.2. 16 double-page and one single-page colour woodcut illustrations, 8 double- and two single-pages of old text. Vol.3. 25 double-page colour woodcut illustrations, 29 pages of old text, map, colophon page. Dark blue stiff wrappers with a silhouette design, white title labels, four-hole binding, 305 x 210 mm. a fine unused copy, contained in the publisher's original labelled box which is slightly defective.The illustrations are in fact continuous through the three volumes. a fine reprint of a scroll describing the Mongolian invasion of Japan in 1281. This is a reproduction of an earlier book that was based on the original manuscript.