Books - Illustrated (5). Includes [Alastair] Pater, Walter, Sebastian Van Storck. with eight illustrations in colour by Alastair and an introduction by P.G.Konody, London, John Lane, 1927, 8 colour lithographic plates, 68pp., some pale spotting to prelims and final leaves, 4to., fine full vellum gilt binding by Sangorski and Sutcliffe, signed; [Herondas - Herodas] Dyssord, Jacques (Trans.), 'Mimes d'Herondas. Traduits en langage populaire par Jacques Dyssord avec dix-neuf gouaches de Carlo Rim, Paris, Editions Denoel et Steele, 1930, 19 pochoir gouache plates and vignettes, (8),68,(4)pp., 8vo., printed wrappers. a fine copy retaining the loose glace tissues over the llustrations.