A Japanese wakazashi by Harima Daijyo Fujiwara Tadakuni, Hizen school, circa 1664. The blade (51.1 cm) with ko niedeki suguha midare hamon. The tang with single hole and engraved signature Kawachi Kami Fujiwara. Additionally engraved to the opposite side of the tang and inlaid with gold is a Kinzogan Mei (two body cutting test) performed by Yamano Kauemon Nagahisa, the official tester for the shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu. The test performed on 11 June Kanbun year. In black lacquer saya. The hilt, silk bound rayskin covered, with Mogarashi school shakudo/gold menuki of samurai on horseback and in a boat. The fuchi carved as woven basket work overlaid with gold and silver blossom. The oval iron tsuba overlaid with gold and copper flowering vine tendrils. The saya fitted with a kozuka with shakudo nanako hilt inlaid with two samurai. Overall in saya 71 cm.