Quality wooden highly carved lid of a wakahuia box (Please note - lid only). Carved most likely by Rangi Redman, he would have signed the box but it is missing. Length 26 cm, 20th century. Work by Rangi Redman, woodcarver, was created mainly for gifts to departing heads of Department and gifts to overseas visitors by the New Zealand Government. Note: Redman, Woodcarver, signed R. Redman (53) A virtual hermit at Howick, one of the best carvers in the country according to Merrett. 'A carver perhaps with equals but no peers according to himself. Redman is not skiting, merely being factual when he makes that claim. A man immersed in his work, loving it, he spends seven days a week, open until 9.30 P.M. in his Howick Workshop. 'It's not the money I work for' he says 'But as long as I have a good piece of kauri I like to keep at it'. Redman began carving aged 12, inspired by Alex Stewart, an old family friend. Influenced by Maori carving styles from Northland, east coast and Taranaki, he developed these in his own way but retained the fascinating basic forms. His best (and most expensive) work he thinks was the greenstone and kauri adze he made for Air New Zealand's Farewell, Presentation to Former Chairman, Sir Geoffrey Roberts'.