Triton T150, 1969, What could have been. This immaculate T150 Triton (a hybrid of Norton and Triumph) pays homage to the pinnacle of British motorcycle engineering of the late '60s. This formidable hand-built machine has a Triumph 750cc Trident engine and is balanced, ported and polished with mushroom tappets; it has travelled far fewer than 1,000 miles since total rebuild. Beautifully matched with Norton's superb wideline feather-bed frame, Roadholder forks each having a 25 cm Fontana double-sided, twin leading, shoe front brake (the rare Fontana 4-leader); thus the Triton is a successful and rare hybrid machine and has all the anchors required to handle its extraordinary power delivery. New Zealand VINed and registered as 1969 Trident, it is a breathtaking machine in every respect and rides beautifully, all components are state of the Art and in fitting with the period.