A very fine Chinese scholar's rock stand, Ji, several elements contribute to the ideal scholar's rock, historically referred to as 'Fantastic rocks.' These include its geographic origin, along with the color and texture of the stone. 'Rocks with somber hues are often prized for their sensual forms, whereas brightly colored rocks are valued for their voluminous shapes that highlight their colors,' Antebi explains. Various terms have been coined to describe the desired attributes of a scholar's rock, such as shou (meaning 'Thin') and tou (indicating 'Openness'). The presence of cavities in the rock is especially valued for the stark contrast they provide to the rock's solidity—and to light. Additional terms relate to the rock's age: gu signifies both 'Ancient' and 'Elegant,' while jue represents the pinnacle of praise, meaning 'Perfect.', height 91 cm