A Japanese Buddhist Kakejiku scroll, Edo period (1603-1868), 18th/19th century, on a dark blue ground with polychrome and gold on paper, the auspicious Mt Ontake, where Shugendo, a mix of Shinto, Esoteric Buddhism, Taoism and shamanism has been practiced for centuries. The three main Gods of the mountain are depicted with Ontakesan-zaou-daigongen in the centre, Hakkaisan-daidura-jinnou, right and Mikasayama-touri-tengu on the left. To the bottom right and sitting down is the great Shugendo master Fukan and below at the top of a sacred waterfall is Fudo Myoo, the Wisdom King or guardian deity of Buddhism. With wooden tomobako. Painting 62 cm high, 27.5 cm wide, scroll 138 cm high, 38.5 cm wide