1983-20000 sticker albums & stickers: comprising 1983 Scanlens 'Football' sticker album (stickers complete) and 1984 'Football' sticker album (approx. 30% complete), Select 1992 sticker album (approx. 30% complete), 1995 'Football '95' (appears comp 1983-2000 sticker albums & stickers: comprising 1983 Scanlens 'Football' sticker album (stickers complete) and 1984 'Football' sticker album (approx. 30% complete), Select 1992 sticker album (approx. 30% complete), 1995 'Football '95' (appears complete) & 1996 'Football' (appears complete); also Herald sun 1997 official team photos (23, including. Duplicates, all in envelopes) plus two empty albums, Herald sun 'Football Collection' 1997 uncut sticker sheets of 9 (2) and 1996 uncut sheets of 9 (9); 2000 Footy team album complete, plus 1996 McDonald's Centenary medals 'Elite' collection; condition variable. (quantity)