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Lot No.
Box of 24 assorted volumes and booklets I.C.S. Reference library Vol. 9 (c. 1905) Windjammers and Shellbacks: Strange True Stories of the sea (1926) diving to adventure: harpoon and camera under the sea (1952) the Jacobite rising of 1715 (1970) the Battle of Britain, August-October 1940 (1941) Hudson's English history: a compendium (2005) My first voyage to Southern Seas: a book for boys (1874) the Travels of Marco polo the Venetian (1932) the voyage of the 'Discovery' Vol. 1 (c. 1905) Moby Dick (1926) world atlas (2005) New Zealand (1942) Travels with a donkey in the Cevennes (1967) the beach of Falesa (1960) the history and Remarkable life of the Truly Honorable Colonel Jack (1967) National nursery Rhymes set to music by J. W. Elliot the Cadet's manual of navigation and nautical Astronomy (1952) the SS Great Britain (1972) the gardens of England in the Southern and Western Counties (c. 1908) London Journal Vol. Lxiv (1877) the tablet of Memory (c. 1787) Sheridan's dramatic works the book of Common prayer (2) Mottoes and Badges