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Lot No.
Head of a New Zealander' - Sydney Parkinson. Engraving 1773, framed and mounted. This recording was sketched during Cook's first voyage around New Zealand, beginning in 1769. A copper plate etching was made from his original drawing. Sydney Parkinson was the official artist and assistant to Joseph Banks, Botanist and Naturalist aboard Captain Cook's first south Seas voyage of discovery aboard the ship Endeavour. He was a prolific and accurate artist and sketched 674 drawings and completed 269 paintings and completed works before his death on the return voyage. This work is etched from the original copper plate and was published in London after the competition of Cook's first voyage. It is from the rare first edition of Cook's Journal of a voyage to the south Seas. Height 19.8 cm, width 16.2 cm
Art: Prints - Engravings, Lithographs etc