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Eminent military figures: autographs on philatelic items including 'Dambusters' pilot air Marshal 'Mick Martin' (3), Bruce Ruxton (2), Dacre Smyth (6), air Marshal Sir James Rowland, military aviation artist ray Honisett (2), plus British decorated World War II fighter pilot and philanthropist Leonard Cheshire VC (5), also signed 1998 letter from former Governor of NSW Sir Roden Cutler VC mentioning the imminent publication of his biography, Victoria Cross and George cross Association Christmas card from Charles 'Jack' Upham signed 'Molly & Jack', plus a few covers signed by scientist and Antarctic explorer Phillip Law, several covers with multiple signatures, all items neatly presented within display folders. (50 signed items in 26 folders.)
Militaria & Weapons: Medals, Badges, Insignia