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Auction Location:
Lot No.
Public Hospital Wonthaggi' original architectural rendering and sectional views in ink and watercolour for the successful tender by G.S. Matthews (for £5866) showing elevated views of the 'Mortuary, administrative Wards & kitchen Block' scale 8 feet to 1 inch, signed and dated lower left 1913, 53 x 74 cm, frame 79 x 99 cm., the successful tender was reported in 'The Argus' of 29 November 1913, just above a letter to the editor, Sir, the paragraph in the Argus of 25lh inst regarding a threatened strike nurses at the Wonthaggi Hospital is incorrect. We would thank you to correct same as follows - (1) that no decision of the nurses to go on strike was placed before the house committee on Sunday last as there was no meeting of the committee on that day, (2) that on no occasion have the nurses threatened the executive in the manner stated. In justice to the staff generally we trust that you will publish this denial. -Yours, etc, a. O. Chapman, President, G. R. Abrahamson, Secretary, Wonthaggi District Hospital.
Art: Watercolours, Other Works on Paper