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Lot No.
An original portrait by Infamous Prison Escapee George Wilder, c.1960's, oil on prison cloth pyjamas. 36 x 29 cm, George Wilder was an infamous recidivist prison escapee and folk hero in New Zealand during the 1960's. Firstly escaping new Plymouth prison in 1962 he spent 65 days on the run before being caught and returned to mount Eden Prison in Auckland. In January 1963 he again escaped prison, this time avoiding recapture for 172 days before once again being brought back to mount Eden Prison, it was during this time the popular musical group, the Howard Morrison Quartet penned a hit single called 'George, the Wild(er) New Zealand Boy' him, which, despite being banned by New Zealand's state owned broadcasters, went immediately to number 1 in the charts and stayed there for some ten weeks. His final escape in 1965 was the shortest lived, lasting a mere 3 hours before surrendering to police. Wilder was released in June 1969.
Art: Oil Paintings and Acrylics