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Lot No.
Australia & New Zealand in English Newspapers: 1779 - 1857, Jackson's Oxford Journal of April 3, 1779 carries a note about Captain Cook of the Adventure then supposed to be in Japan, the Liverpool Courier of Aug.3, 1831 carries a long article headed 'Cannibalism in New Zealand' and another about the opening of 'The New London Bridge', the Daily News of Aug.15, 1846 provides coverage of the present agricultural, financial and industrial state of the colony, another, about the better governorship of New Zealand and another, about the trial of William Dobson, chief mate of the 'Kestrel' in Port Philip, accused of murder, The Guardian of Feb.11, 1857 carries a long article headed 'The Ministers and the Mark System' in which it is reported that 'Sentences of transportation are to be abolished, and sentences of penal servitude substituted for the same periods...'. (4 papers).