The Hobart Town Gazettes 1828 - 1845 The Hobart Town Gazette: 12 Jan.1828 edition with the lead article annoucing the re-opening of Norfolk Island ' be the place to which any Offender convicted in Van Diemen's Land......shall be sent or Transported.' as well as other convict-related reports; 19 Sept.1844 edition carries news of land allocations, but mainly reports on Court proceedings, Convict Houses of Correction, Ticket of Leave Musters, Absconders, Wanted Notices and a list of convicts granted permission to marry; and the edition of 26 Aug.1845. Also, New South Wales Government Gazette of 5 June 1833, also containing much news regarding the administration of the convict system, in particular with reference to convicts returning to their Masters after a period in an 'Ironed Gang', '...that Families who are in want of Female Servants, may be supplied from the Prisoners arrived in the ship Diana...'; a list of all male convicts assigned in the month of March 1833; tickets of leave cancelled; a report on the State of the Female Factory at Parramatta (467 Women; 110 children under 3); and a long list of Prisoners who had absconded from their place of employment. (4 items).