The Magic Pudding, a collection of puppets from the 1988 production, based on the story and drawings by Norman Lindsay, puppet makers Christine Barker and Michael Fitzgerald (made between 1970-1988), including Watkin Wombat, Possum, Hedgehog, Bandicott, Bandicott with cart, Swaggie parrot, Frilly neck lizard (Kakadu), dog, Judge, Sam Sawnoff, bill Barnacle, Bunyip Bluegum, Albert, the Magic pudding, together with a selection of props, including watermelon, Grecian pot, wheel grinder, hats, stool, etc. (28). Provenance: The Marionette Theatre, the rocks, Sydney Lawson's Auctioneers, the rocks, Sydney, December 1990 private collection, Sydney