(La Peyrouse) Imaginary Voyage, Decouvertes dans la Mer du Sud. Nouvelles de M. de la Peyrouse, Jusqu'en 1794. Traces de son passage trouvees en diverses isles et terres de l'Ocean Pacifique, grande isle peuplee d'emigres français. (Paris, Chez Everat, circa 1795) pp397, ii errata. Contemporary quarter calf over papered boards, spine with gilt decoration. Ferguson, 225, Forbes, 285, Sabin, 38958 (variant issue with the word 'isle' on the title page spelt with a lower case 'i'.), An apocryphal work inspired by the story of the disappearance of La Perouse' expedition after leaving BotanyBay.The author, purportedly a Frenchman who had sailed with a Portuguese expedition to the South Seas, signs himself on the final page merely as 'C'.