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Auction House:
Dunbar Sloane Ltd.
Number of lots recorded:96
Lots with images:96
Prices available:96
Dolls, Puppets and Soft Toys
*** Pedigree, England all composition Maori doll painted features with black mohair wig on bent/straight limb body 29 cm ***
*** New Zealand Pedigree all hard plastic Maori doll full flax skirt costume with cape, 41 cm ***
*** Pair unmarked all black composition dolls moulded and painted features on bent/straight limb bodies 17 cm ***
*** Pair unmarked all black composition baby dolls with Germany black celluloid character toddler doll 10 cm, 14 cm ***
*** Pair new bisque character boy and girl dolls with sailor outfits 35 cm seated on machine tapestry covered doll wing armchair ***
*** Pixytoy made in Japan baby blue eyes baby doll, 40 cm ***
*** Tiny all bisque doll, stationary dark brown eyes, closed mouth new brown mohair wig on 5 piece bisque body with painted shoes 11 cm, unmarked ***
*** SFBJ bisque doll, stationary dark pupiless eyes, open/closed mouth, brown mohair wig on French straight limb body, 32 cm, marked S F B J 60 Paris 10/o ***
*** German bisque shoulder plate doll, all painted features with moulded blonde curled short hair on rag body china hands and legs, painted brown boots 25 cm, marked 1064 3/0 with two right hands left chipped (original error) ***
*** German all bisque doll, brown sleeping eyes closed mouth light brown mohair wig on 5 piece body painted red shoes and socks 18 cm, marked Germany 6373 ***
*** Theodor Recknagel bisque doll, blue sleeping eyes new blonde mohair wig on straight limb composition/card body 27 cm, marked 21 Germany R10/0A wearing original printed cotton slip ***
*** Armand Marseille bisque doll, stationary brown eyes light brown mohair wig on ball jointed composition body 40 cm, marked Armand Marseille Germany 390 a 2/0X M ***
*** Vintage Japanese doll, stationary brown eyes closed mouth, black real hair wig on cardboard body (non working voice box) with jointed composition arms and legs 37 cm, un-marked wearing original kimono outfit ***
*** Circa 1920's boudoir doll, moulded cloth all painted features, cotton silk wig on rag body with composition arms and shoed legs 81 cm ***
*** Vintage pull-a-long dog soft toy, on cast iron wheels 32 cm length ***
*** Three new vintage style teddy bears, blonde, golden plush and third on wheel base together chair 16 cm, 11 cm, 12 cm length ***
*** Quantity dolls clothing shoes hats and accessories, quantity dolls clothing shoes hats and accessories ***
*** Gebruder Heubach bisque shoulder plate character doll, all painted features with closed mouth and moulded hair on original rag body with bisque hands 39 cm, marked 6 Germany ***
*** SFBJ bisque doll, brown stationary eyes, brown hair wig on'stick leg' composition jointed body 38 cm, marked SFBJ 60 Paris 4/o ***
*** Armand Marseille bisque doll, blue sleeping eyes blonde mohair wig on jointed composition body 38 cm, marked 1894 a M O Dep made in Germany ***
*** Schoenau & Hoffmeister bisque character toddler doll, brown stationary eyes, open mouth with two top teeth new blonde nylon wig on 5 piece bent limb composition body 43 cm, marked S Pb H 3 1/2 Germany ***
*** Two Heubach Koppelsdorf bisque character toddler dolls, both with blue sleeping eyes, open mouth with cloth tongue and teeth, light brown mohair wig and hair wig on 5 piece bent limb composition bodies 29 cm and 42 cm, marked Heubach Koppelsdorf 300.8/o… ***
*** Armand Marseille bisque dream baby doll, blue sleeping eyes closed mouth, flange head on rag body with working voice box, composition hands 39 cm, marked Am Germany 341/4, wearing Edwardian cotton christening (some faults) ***
*** Vintage Japanese Ichimatsu character boy and girl dolls, painted and real hair wigs with inset glass eyes on rag and composition bodies, both with squeeze boxes, boy with finger damage to left hand 51 cm, 41 cm ***
*** Ideal all composition Shirley temple doll, sleeping eyes with original mohair wig and cotton dress 34 cm ***
*** All composition Lands Wellington New Zealand Maori doll, painted features, all with original costume (damage to legs), 27 cm together with composition brown tiny (faults), 9.5 cm ***
*** Unmarked probable Reliable toddler doll, sleeping eyes, open mouth with two top teeth on bent/ straight limb body, 52 cm ***
*** Bubble cut Barbie, blonde (green ear), red swim suit wearing sheath Sensation ***
*** Pony tail swirl Barbie, blonde wearing, after five, damage of green ear ***
*** NRFB new Look Sindy 'Pop Singer – Disco', blonde ***
*** Two Steiff animals, Cookie the cocker spaniel, seated, approx 17 cm height and Peky the Pekinese, standing, swivel head, approx 13 cm ***
*** Steiff Mungo the monkey, multicoloured plush, swivel head, wired tail, seated, approx 22 cm height ***
*** 'Sofie' tiny all brown bisque doll brown stationary eyes, brown mohair wig on 5 piece straight limb body 12 cm, un-marked ***
*** 'Rochell' SFBJ bisque doll dark pupiless stationary eyes, brown nylon wig on new French composition body 23 cm, SFBJ 60 Paris 12/0, together with small bisque doll 18 cm (missing composition arms), marked 1000 13/0 ***
*** 'Sally' Porzellanfabrik Mengersgereuth bisque toddler doll blue sleeping eyes with lashes open mouth two top teeth, light brown hair wig on 5 piece bent/straight limb body 30 cm, marked P M 91 1/2 Germany 2 ***
*** Armand Marseille bisque character toddler doll blue sleeping eyes, open mouth with top teeth (one missing), brown hair wig on 5 piece bent limb body 44 cm, marked Armand Marseille Germany 990 a 6 M ***
*** Louis Amberg & Son character baby doll blue sleeping eyes, open mouth two bottom teeth on rag body 31 cm, marked L a & S 371.2 Dkgm Germany ***
*** Armand Marseille bisque socket head dream baby doll blue sleeping eyes closed mouth on new rag body with celluloid hands 35 cm (chip to lefty eye socket, together with Gebruder Heubach bisque character boy all painted features on 5 piece body (repaired… ***
*** Cuno & Otto Dressel bisque doll blue sleeping eyes light brown nylon wig on ball jointed body 64 cm, marked made in Germany star mark 1912 - 6 (hairline crack to back of head) ***
*** All composition baby doll and two bisque dolls blue sleeping eyes on 5 piece bent limb body with Welsch and L Jacobson dolls both with no arms 36 cm, 20 cm, 27 cm ***
*** Four vintage Pedigree and other teddy bears 50 cm, 40 cm, 36 cm, 38 cm ***
*** Morimura brother bisque shoulder plate doll blue sleeping eyes no wig on leatherette body with bisque lower arms 35 cm marked 5 circle M B Japan ***
*** Heubach bisque piano baby seated young child impressed mark #7879 13 cm height ***
*** Armand Marseille bisque dream baby doll, brown sleeping eyes open mouth with two bottom teeth on 5 piece bent limb composition body 24 cm, marked Am Germany 351/3/0K ***
*** German composition 'Kiddiejoy' character baby doll, flange head with blue sleeping glass eyes open/closed mouth on rag body 37 cm ***
*** Made in Japan circa 1930's all bisque doll, with side glancing eyes 'Betty Boop Look' moving arms in original dress 17 cm ***
*** Two china shoulder plate dolls, painted features blonde mohair wigs on rag bodies with china lower limbs (one wrist repair) 22 cm, 22 cm dressed in antique bride costumes ***
*** Two pair vintage dolls shoes, and modern doll boots 7 cm, 5 cm, 7.5 cm sole lengths ***
*** SFBJ 247 'Twirp' character toddler doll, blue sleeping eyes open/closed mouth with two top teeth, red hair wig on 5 piece compsoition bent limb body 65 cm, marked 21 SFBJ 247 Paris 12 head has been broken and glued, finger missing on left hand the doll… ***
*** Two Steiff animals, Bully the Bulldog, standing approx 17 cm. Height and Possy the Squirrel, approx 11 cm height ***
*** A D Sutton & Sons New York made in Hong, Kong hard plastic novelty doll, flirty eyes, with mohair wig 28 cm ***
*** Small Steiff Monkey Jocko with Hermann Teddy Bear 8 cm, 13 cm ***
*** Two bisque character baby dolls Schoenau & Hoffmeister and Armand Marseille both with face faults on composition bent limb bodies 30 cm, 32 cm ***
*** Porzellanfabrik Mengersgereuth bisque character baby doll blue sleeping eyes, open mouth with two top teeth, on plastic torsco with composition limbs 50 cm, marked PM 914 Germany 10 ***
*** Two Armand Marseille bisque dolls blue stationary and brown sleeping eyes, nylon wigs on jointed bodies 46 cm, a 1 1/2 M on straight leg body other with head damage ***
*** Composition character doll blue stationary eyes on composition ball jointed body 45 cm with faults, together with possible Chad valley Pinocchio soft toy, Mickey mouse velvet toy and hand knitted golly 48 cm, 17 cm, 43 cm ***
*** Two Probable New Zealand Pedigree teddy bears golden plush kapok filled 40 cm each ***
*** Petite American Character Doll Co. all composition doll all painted features on bent/straight limb body 34 cm, original red polka dot cotton outfit ***
*** Armand Marseille bisque doll brown sleeping eyes no teeth, brown nylon wig on jointed stick leg body with new composition lower arms 52 cm, marked made in Germany Armand Marseille 390n a 4 M ***
*** Pair Japanese all composition National dolls, stationery eyes with black hair wigs on bent limb bodies 27 cm ***
*** Made in USA baby doll, painted features with blonde mohair wig on bent limb body 29 cm with 1991 4th place ribbon, new Orleans ***
*** Chad Valley cloth doll, all painted features with blonde mohair wig 36 cm seated on cane chair ***
*** Three part original carded Japanese painted bisque dolls painted features with moving arms, straight legs with baby doll in cot ***
*** Three all painted bisque baby dolls moving arms with straight limbs 8.5 cm, wooden cot display and pram with original boxed 'Doll's nursing Set' of glass feeding bottle ***
*** Seven china Frozen Charlotte and pudding dolls 11 cm to 2.5 cm ***
*** Seven china Frozen Charlotte and pudding dolls similar as above lot ***
*** Two tin head shoulder plate dolls boy with blue stationary eyes, blonde mohair wig, girl with moulded hair 28 cm, 30 cm ***
*** Pair all composition Maori boy and girl dolls as above lot (no labels) ***
*** Seven various Maori Costumes dolls 31 cm to 9 cm ***
*** Pair made in Japan celluloid character toddler dolls, boy has moulded red pants and working voice, girl with green pants 40 cm, 30 cm ***
*** Nippon bisque character baby doll, brown sleeping eyes open mouth with two top teeth (no wig) on bent limb composition body 29 cm, marked F Y Nippon 201 ***
*** Bisque shoulder plate doll and all bisque doll, both with painted features light brown mohair wig and real hair wig 13 cm ,11 cm ***
*** Probable Deans cloth doll, painted oilskin face with mohair wig on rag body straw filled with original pink velvet dress 50 cm ***
*** Madame Alexander Princess Elizabeth all composition doll, sleeping eyes with original light brown nylon wig on straight leg body 49 cm (face faded) ***
*** Boxed as new, miniature Steiff club 2004 teddy bear, light blue plush and Steiff club 2008 teddy bear white alpaca plush, both with certificates ***
*** Vintage Steiff hedgehog Mecki- Family including Mecki, Micki (face distressed), Macki and Mucki ***
*** Two Steiff animals, Bambi, approx 14 cm height and Bambi, approx 22 cm height, both velvet ***
*** Two Steiff animals, Raudi the wirehaired dachshund, standing, approx 15 cm height and Arco the German Sheppard, standing, approx 17 cm. Height ***
*** Three vintage Steiff animal hand puppets, Gaty the crocodile, Jocko the chimpanzee and Mopsy the dog, all approx 23 cm height with two metal stands ***
*** Steiff Lorli the fawn, brown toned woven fur, lying, approx 25 cm and Steiff Panther, black plush, lying down position, approx 42 cm length ***
*** Made in England Pedigree and unmarked, vinyl Dolls, blue sleeping eyes, blonde and brown nylon hair, dressed as bride doll and fairy 58 cm, 47 cm ***
*** As new Deans rag book teddy bear limited edition Collectors club 42 cm height ***
*** Unmarked all rag doll moulded and painted face with brown mohair wig on straight leg body wearing period out 54 cm ***
*** Small all bisque character doll, painted features wearing Scottish costume in original tartan box 7 cm with Bonnie Scotland cushion and wooden thistle ***
*** Two circa 1920s/30s kewpie type china dolls, painted bisque and porcelain one with mohair wig both in seated pose 11 cm ***
*** Small German china shoulder plate doll, black painted moulded hair with china lower limbs in original black lace gown in display dome 10 cm ***
*** Circa 1950's Steiff plush kitten, with whiskers, green glass eyes and silver button in ear 17 cm height ***
*** Two vintage Steiff animals, Grissy the donkey, standing, approx 20 cm. And Robby the seal, approx 14 cm. Height ***
*** Simon & Halbig 128 mould bisque doll, blue eyes light brown wig 58 cm ***
*** Bru Jnr 13 mould doll, blue eyes light brown wig 76 cm ***
*** Character bisque doll, brown eyes and wig closed mouth 76 cm ***
*** Victorian oak doll's cradle ***
*** Armand Marseille Character Baby Doll, brown sleeping eyes two top teeth, light brown mohair wig on bent limb body 50 cm, marked Armand Marseille Germany A 10 M ***
*** Modern Toys Japan All Hard Plastic Walking Doll blue sleeping eyes, moulded features, clockwork mechanism 34 cm ***
*** Two Boxed Ashton Drake Character Dolls Wonders of Spring and Miracle of Winter ***
*** Mixed lot of dolls and accessories including McCall pattern C1921 and celluloid rattle ***