*** | Miri Maoriland doll, crafted composition, head on rag body with original costume, (missing grass skirt) | *** | |
*** | Nippon Bisque character doll, brown stationary eyes, open mouth with two top teeth blonde nylon wig on 5pce bent limb composition body, marked J W Nippon 606 | *** | |
*** | German 171 mould bisque doll, blue eyes light brown wig 72 cm | *** | |
*** | New Zealand brown hard plastic Walkie Talkie doll, flirty brown eyes with original wig 52 cm | *** | |
*** | (Spanish) composition nativity baby Jesus doll, stationary glass eyes 5 piece bent limb anatomically correct body 21 cm, seated on wooden chair (chipping to toes) | *** | |
*** | Pair vintage woven cane dolls chair, with picnic basket and bird cage | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille bisque character baby doll, blue sleeping eyes open mouth with tongue, blonde mohair wig on 5 piece composition body 38 cm, marked Armand Marseille Germany 990 a 4. M | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille Doll, brown sleeping flirty eyes, brown mohair wig on jointed body 68 cm, marked Armand Marseille Germany 390 A 9 M | *** | |
*** | Herman Steiner Doll, blue sleeping eyes, blonde mohair wig on jointed body 38 cm marked Made in Germany H St monogram 1 Germany (repair to leg) | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille Dream Baby, sleeping blue eyes, two bottom teeth on rag body 40 cm marked AM Germany 351./4 | *** | |
*** | Small Pair Marked Germany All Bisque Character Boy Dolls, standing with bent arms, thumb sucking pose 9 cm | *** | |
*** | All Moulded China Head Doll attached to tea cosy | *** | |
*** | Antique Composition Shoulder Plate Doll, blue glass stationary eyes, closed mouth, blonde mohair wig on rag body with composition lower limbs 60 cm | *** | |
*** | Vintage Steiff Teddy Bear, standing on all four, mohair plush with ear button and original collar with bell | *** | |
*** | Tiny all bisque doll, all painted features blonde mohair wig on 5 piece body 10.5 cm, faint impressed marks | *** | |
*** | 'Astrid' Simon & Halbig bisque doll brown sleeping eyes, blonde hair wig on ball jointed body 52 cm, marked Halbig K * R 53 (left hand missing three fingers) | *** | |
*** | SFBJ bisque doll brown sleeping eyes, brown hair wig on French composition body 51 cm, marked D SFBJ 60 Paris 4, ( eyes need re-setting, fingers missing) | *** | |
*** | 'Doreen Linda' Armand Marseille bisque doll brown sleeping eyes with lashes, light brown nylon wig on ball jointed body 59 cm, marked Armand Marseille Germany 390. A 6 1/2 M | *** | |
*** | 'Alexandra' Armand Marseille bisque doll brown sleeping eyes, brown hair wig on jointed composition body 57 cm, marked Armand Marseille 390 a 5 M | *** | |
*** | French cotton and felt lamb character soft toy with paper hand written label 'C1937 Fetiche Pour Exposition ... Paris 43 cm together with vintage blue teddy bear 30 cm | *** | |
*** | Welsch bisque doll, brown sleeping eyes, original blonde mohair wig on ball jointed composition body 38 cm marked MOA 201 Welsch made in Germany 01/2 | *** | |
*** | Gebruber Ohlhaver character Toddler doll, blue sleeping eyes, open mouth with moulded teeth, brown new hair wig on bent/straight limb composition body 27 cm marked Revalo 22-3/0 | *** | |
*** | Similar half head doll to above lot 11 cm | *** | |
*** | Early 20th century German china half head full figure doll, standing as implement stand 14 cm high | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille bisque dream baby blue sleeping eyes open mouth with two bottom teeth, 5 piece body 23 cm marked a M Germany 351/2/0K | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille bisque dream baby blue sleeping eyes closed mouth, 5 piece body 23 cm marked a M Germany 341/4/0K | *** | |
*** | Theodor Recknagel bisque solid dome character baby all moulded features with blue bonnet on 5 piece bent limb body 19 cm marked R a 28 - 12/0 | *** | |
*** | German solid dome bisque character baby doll all painted moulded features with open mouth on 5 piece bent limb body 18 cm marked 3-4/0 | *** | |
*** | J D Kestner solid dome bisque character baby doll all painted features on 5 piece bent limb body 17 cm marked Germany 243 2/0 | *** | |
*** | Nippon bisque character toddler doll all moulded features and hair on 5 piece bent limb body 24 cm marked Nippon | *** | |
*** | French bisque doll dark pupiless eyes, open/closed mouth with dark nylon wig on French bent straight limb body 20 cm marked' France 004 | *** | |
*** | Two all bisque German kewpie dolls, dress as boy and girl, the girl with moulded blue ribbons to side of head 14 cm | *** | |
*** | All bisque German kewpie doll moving arms 14 cm | *** | |
*** | Tiny German all black bisque doll stationary glass eyes, brown mohair wig 9 cm marked 0-1 8 | *** | |
*** | German bisque doll blue eyes new blonde mohair wig on bent/straight limb body 20 cm marked...Made in Germany wearing original chemise | *** | |
*** | Two all bisque dolls both with moulded blonde curled hair with blue ribbons 15 cm, 14 cm | *** | |
*** | Two tiny German all bisque character dolls both with painted features moving arms with original costumes of Scottish and under garment 8 cm | *** | |
*** | Two tiny all bisque character dolls both with painted features, moving arms together with piano baby of boy toddler arms in the air 7 cm, 8 cm | *** | |
*** | All composition baby doll painted features with display showing 5pces original clothing 13 cm | *** | |
*** | Original boxed German Sonneberg JLLCO painted bisque socket head doll, all finely painted features, closed mouth blonde mohair wig on rag body with bisque arms 28 cm wearing original Dutch national costume | *** | |
*** | Early 20th century wood and composition character lady doll moulded and painted socket head with Pompadour hair and masquerade mask on jointed body 26 cm original cotton and lace costume | *** | |
*** | Antique wax over composition pumpkin head doll, dark pupiless eyes on bellow rag body with composition lower limbs 22 cm, with original outfit showing wear | *** | |
*** | Maori doll, mother and child moulded hard plastic head on rag body with flax skirt and feather cape 39 cm | *** | |
*** | Two brown celluloid character toddler dolls with Maori dress painted features with flax skirts, feather capes and tiki pendants 30 cm | *** | |
*** | Unmarked all composition 'Topsy' doll wool hair tuffs on bent limb body together with made in Japan all bisque Topsy doll, 24 cm, 15 cm | *** | |
*** | German all brown composition character doll, brown eyes, closed mouth, nylon wig on bent/straight limb body 37 cm, marked Germany Mago 494.6/0 | *** | |
*** | All celluloid Diddums (Mabel Lucie Attwell) character doll, painted features with moving arms 15 cm | *** | |
*** | Schutzmeister & Quendt bisque character toddler baby doll, blue sleeping eyes, open mouth with two top teeth, light brown mohair wig on bent limb composition body 38 cm, marked 201 monogram Germany 6 | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille brown bisque doll, blue sleeping eyes no wig on jointed composition body 27 cm, marked made in Germany Armand Marseille 390 Drgm 240/1 a 11/0 M | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille bisque character toddler doll, brown sleeping eyes with lashes, open mouth with two top teeth, brown mohair wig on 5 piece composition body 36 cm, marked Germany 985 a 3. M | *** | |
*** | SFBJ bisque doll, blue sleeping eyes, dark brown nylon wig on composition jointed body 32 cm, marked SFBJ 60 Paris 6/o | *** | |
*** | Cuno & Otto Dressel bisque doll, brown sleeping eyes pierced ears new red mohair wig on ball jointed straight leg composition body 53 cm, marked 2 1/2 1349 Dressel 8 | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille bisque doll, blue sleeping eyes blonde mohair wig on ball jointed and straight leg walking mechanism composition body 54 cm, marked Armand Marseille Germany 390. A. 5. M. | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille bisque doll, blue sleeping eyes with lashes brown mohair wig on jointed 'Stick leg' body 52 cm, marked Armand Marseille Germany 390. A. 4. M | *** | |
*** | Welsch & Co bisque doll, brown sleeping eyes with lashes light brown nylon wig on ball jointed composition body 67 cm, marked moa 200 Welsch made in Germany 9 | *** | |
*** | Two Armand Marseille bisque dolls, shoulder plate with brown sleeping eyes, brown nylon wig on jointed leatherette body 50 cm, socket head with blue sleeping eyes 47 cm, marked Armand Marseille 370 a 1. M and 390 a 3. M | *** | |
*** | Bisque character doll, stationary blue glass eyes, open mouth with two top teeth, blonde nylon wig on bent limb composition body, 56 cm. Marked indistinctly 'Nunsuch' N & S … 3 (head af) TOY 7 | *** | |
*** | Unmarked German china Belton type shoulder plate doll, all painted features, new mohair wig on rag body with china lower limbs, 32 cm | *** | |
*** | Dee & Cee all composition character doll, painted features on straight leg body in original outfit, 48 cm | *** | |
*** | New Zealand Pedigree Walkie Talkie doll, original blonde nylon wig with period outfit, 53 cm with original Pedigree tinplate doll stand 144a New Zealand Pedigree Walkie Talkie brown original nylon wig with Toddler Pedigree 144b New Zealand Pedigree Walkie… | *** | |
*** | Skipper, brunette wearing Sunny Pastels | *** | |
*** | Steiff Bobby the boxer, brown plush with white paws and black nose, wears green collar, in lying position, approx 42 cm length | *** | |
*** | 'Sarah' SFBJ bisque 'Twirp' character toddler doll blue sleeping eyes, painted open/closed mouth, light brown mohair wig on bent limb body 25 cm, marked SFBJ 247 Paris 2 (hair line crack to front and back of face) | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille bisque doll brown sleeping eyes blonde hair wig on ball jointed body 46 cm, marked made in Germany 390 a 2 M, wearing vintage wedding gown and under garments | *** | |
*** | 'Tessa' Welsch bisque doll blue stationary eyes brown nylon wig on jointed body 59 cm, marked moa 200 Welsch made in Germany 7 | *** | |
*** | Antique English wax shoulder plate baby doll blue sleeping eyes closed mouth remains of blonde mohair wig on rag body with squeeze voice box, composition hands (no lower legs) approx 34 cm, wearing antique cotton combinations and petticoat | *** | |
*** | Yamato bisque character toddler doll together with Enico character doll 45 cm, 28 cm (both with faults) | *** | |
*** | Simon & Halbig bisque doll brown sleeping eyes, pierced ears, red nylon wig on ball jointed body 78 cm, marked K*R Simon & Halbig 76 (repaired forehead and side face, body in good condition, all fingers) | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille and Simon & Halbig bisque dolls brown and blue sleeping eyes, hair wigs on ball jointed bodies 55 cm, 49 cm, both with head damage | *** | |
*** | Nippon bisque character baby doll blue stationary eyes open mouth with top teeth blonde mohair wig on 5 piece bent limb composition body 40 cm, marked S star monogram 3004 Nippon P. 4 o | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille bisque character toddler doll blue sleeping eyes new vintage style nylon wig on 5 piece bent/straight limb composition body 49 cm, marked Armand Marseille Germany 390 a 7 M | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille bisque doll brown sleeping eyes brown hair wig on ball jointed composition body 54 cm marked Armand Marseille Germany 390 a 4 M | *** | |
*** | Heubach Koppelsdorf bisque doll blue sleeping eyes, brown hair wig on ball jointed composition body 49 cm, marked Heubach Koppelsdorf 250.0. Germany wearing vintage cotton dress and undergarments | *** | |
*** | Unmarked made in Japan character boy doll painted and moulded features on bent limb body 72 cm | *** | |
*** | SFBJ bisque doll, all painted features closed mouth, brown mohair wig on French composition straight limb body, black painted boots 24 cm, marked SFBJ 60 Paris 13/o | *** | |
*** | Bruno Schmidt bisque character baby doll, blue sleeping eyes, open mouth with two top teeth, light brown mohair wig on bent limb composition body 36 cm, marked 5 B S W 2097-3 | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille bisque doll, blue sleeping eyes brown mohair wig on jointed straight limb composition body 35 cm, marked Armand Marseille Germany 390n a 4/0X M | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille bisque doll, blue sleeping eyes with lashes, blonde nylon wig on ball jointed composition body 72 cm, marked Armand Marseille Germany 390. A 12. M | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille bisque doll, blue sleeping eyes with lashes, light brown hair wig on ball jointed composition body 72 cm, marked Armand Marseille Germany 390. A 11. M | *** | |
*** | Selection various dolls, New Zealand Pedigree hard plastic baby doll, Ideal doll, all cloth Bermuda National costume 40 cm, 23 cm, 27 cm and four small new bisque dolls | *** | |
*** | Three tiny all bisque dolls, stationary and painted eyes, hair wigs on 5 piece bodies 9 cm, 9.5 cm, each with damage to one leg | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille Character Toddler Doll, blue sleeping googly eyes, closed mouth, red mohair wig on five pce body 26 cm marked Germany 323 A 4/0 M | *** | |
*** | Cuno & Otto Dressel Doll, blue sleeping eyes, brown mohair wig on ball jointed body 40 cm, marked 1349 Dressel S & H 5 1/2 | *** | |
*** | 'Cecile' small bisque doll blue sleeping eyes, light brown mohair on 5 piece composition body 13.5 cm, un-marked ( moulded and painted shoes with damage) | *** | |
*** | Gebruber Pfeiffer bisque doll brown stationary eyes, open mouth with two top teeth (one missing) brown hair wig on French jointed composition Boyd with 'Bebe Jumeau' label to torso 50 cm, marked monogram Hubsy 42 Germany | *** | |
*** | Hermann Steiner bisque doll blue stationary eyes, light brown hair wig on ball jointed body 59 cm, marked made in Germany HSt 14 (damage to head) | *** | |
*** | C1915 Louis Amberg & Son character Charlie Chaplin doll composition head on rag body (no clothes) 38 cm | *** | |
*** | Theodor Recknagel bisque doll blue eyes, new light brown nylon wig on jointed body 28 cm marked 24 Germany R 10/R | *** | |
*** | Possible Theodor Recknagel bisque baby doll painted features on 5 piece body 17 cm marked Germany 1924 18/0 | *** | |
*** | All bisque doll and character baby brown glass eyes, blonde mohair wig, baby with all painted features 14 cm,10 cm | *** | |
*** | China head doll with metal dressing table and stool, tiny bisque doll, baby and two tiny china heads | *** | |
*** | Two Japanese Itchimatsu composition dolls vintage and modern examples with original kimonos 25 cm, 28 cm | *** | |
*** | Two small bisque dolls, blue sleeping eyes closed mouths, blonde mohair wigs on 5 piece composition bodies with painted shoes 13 cm, unmarked (one missing shoe and other with crack to shoe) | *** | |
*** | German bisque shoulder plate doll, all painted features with moulded blonde curled short hair on rag body china hands and legs, painted black shoes 25 cm, unmarked with original undergarments and silk dress (af) | *** | |
*** | Porzellanfabrik Mengersgereuth bisque character baby doll, new stationary brown eyes blonde nylon wig open mouth with two top teeth on 5 piece bent limb composition body 34 cm, marked P.M. 914 Germany 4 | *** | |
*** | German bisque doll, blue sleeping eyes brown mohair wig on ball jointed composition body 39 cm, marked Germany C. 0. | *** | |