*** | Armand Marseille bisque dream baby doll dark stationary eyes open mouth with two bottom teeth on 5 piece body 18 cm marked a M Germany 351 6/0K with original cotton skirt | *** | |
*** | Gebruder Kuhnlenz Asian character bisque doll, stationary dark eyes closed mouth black wig on straight limb composition body 21 cm, marked 55-17 wearing original jacket and trousers | *** | |
*** | Simon & Halbig bisque doll, blue sleeping eyes original short cut blonde mohair wig on ball jointed composition body 57 cm, marked K*R Simon & Halbig 403 Germany 58, wearing period cotton print dress | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille 'My Dearie' bisque doll, brown sleeping eyes with lashes, brown real hair wig on ball jointed composition body 58 cm. Marked made in Germany Armand Marseille 390n DRGM 246 a 6 M (head with faults) | *** | |
*** | Probable Bahr & Proschild bisque character baby doll brown sleeping eyes, open closed mouth on 5 piece bent limb body 45 cm, marked 604 10 (hairline crack under chin and across neck), wearing Edwardian cotton christening gown | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille brown bisque dream baby and Jutta baby, dark pupiless sleeping eyes (need re-setting) and blue stationary eyes both on 5 piece bent limb bodies 30 cm, 33 cm, marked Am Germany 351/2 1/2K, marked 3/0 Jutta 1914 5 1/2 | *** | |
*** | Kley & Hahn Doll, blue stationary eyes, light brown mohair wig on jointed body 57 cm, marked Special Germany | *** | |
*** | Kammer & Reinhardt Doll, blue sleeping eyes, blonde mohair wig on jointed and straight limb walking mechanism body 63 cm, marked K*R Simon & Halbig 403 | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille Shoulder Plate Doll, brown sleeping eyes, new brown mohair wig on leather body 51 cm marked 3200 A M 2 DEP | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille Doll, blue sleeping eyes, blonde mohair wig on jointed body 31 cm, marked Armand Marseille Germany 390 A 6/0 M wearing original Breton national costume | *** | |
*** | Small SFBJ Doll, sleeping dark blue eyes, brown mohair wig on straight limb body 23 cm, marked standard under wig wearing original French national costume | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille bisque doll, blue sleeping eyes, light brown real hair wig on composition 'Stick' leg jointed body 50 cm marked 1894 A.M. DEP. Made in Germany 6. | *** | |
*** | Probable Morimura Brothers, Japan bisque character baby, blue stationary eyes on bent limb composition body 48 cm marked 3 - 11 wearing antique cotton cot gown | *** | |
*** | Heubach Koppelsdorf character shoulder plate Toddler boy doll, all painted features on rag body with composition hands 51 cm marked Germany 323.4 Heubach Koppelsdorf | *** | |
*** | German bisque doll, head only, brown stationary eyes, mohair wig on pin cushion base together with tiny bisque character doll on lace quilt | *** | |
*** | Ernst Heubach bisque shoulder plate doll blue stationary eyes, light brown real hair wig on leather body with bisque hands 56 cm marked made in Germany horse-shoe Hch la... | *** | |
*** | SFBJ bisque doll, sleeping dark pupiless eyes light brown mohair wig on French jointed composition body 59 cm, marked SFBJ 60 Paris 6 (one finger missing) | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille bisque doll, blue sleeping eyes with lashes, new light brown mohair wig on jointed composition body 56 cm, marked made in Germany Armand Marseille 390n a 4 M | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille Asian character bisque baby doll, solid dome black shaded baby hair, brown sleeping eyes closed mouth on bent limb composition body 27 cm, marked a. Ellar with star M. Germany 2.K | *** | |
*** | 'Holly' SFBJ bisque doll stationary dark blue eyes grey/brown hair wig, pierced ears on French jointed body 54 cm, marked SFBJ 301 Paris 9 | *** | |
*** | SFBJ and Armand Marseille bisque dolls blue and brown stationary eyes, hair wigs on jointed bodies 46 cm and, both with head damage | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille Character Baby, blue sleeping eyes, two top teeth light brown mohair wig on bent limb body 38 cm, marked 971 A. 5 M. DRGM 267/ | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille Brown Bisque Dream Baby, brown sleeping eyes, two bottom teeth on bent limb body 23 cm marked AM Germany 351/0 K | *** | |
*** | Adolf Hulss Character Toddler Doll, blue flirty eyes, two top teeth blonde mohair wig on bent limb body 43 cm, marked Monogram Simon & Halbig Made in Germany 156 6 ½ | *** | |
*** | 'Lynette' small bisque doll similar as above lot 15 cm | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille bisque doll, blue sleeping eyes, original light brown mohair wig on ball jointed composition body 64 cm marked .... 390n a 9 M | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille bisque character baby moulded and painted features with closed mouth on 5 piece body 24 cm marked 500 Germany Drgm a 3/0 M | *** | |
*** | SFBJ bisque doll blue eyes dark brown hair wig on jointed French body 41 cm marked 21 SFBJ 60 Paris O wearing vintage dress and undergarments | *** | |
*** | Probable Kling shoulder head doll all moulded and painted features with blonde hair on new rag body with bisque hands 37 cm marked 189 2 | *** | |
*** | German bisque doll blue eyes blond mohair wig on jointed body 18 cm marked made in Germany 12/0 wearing original Russian national costume | *** | |
*** | Gebruder Heubach character doll, all painted features with closed mouth on jointed composition body 26 cm, marked block mark 4 Germany | *** | |
*** | All bisque doll, painted features with moulded blonde curly hair beret and combinations, moving arms 12 cm | *** | |
*** | Cuno & Otto Dressel bisque shoulder plate doll, blue stationary eyes, pierced ears, blonde real hair wig on kid leather body with bisque hands 48 cm. Unmarked | *** | |
*** | F & W Goebel bisque Toddler doll, blue seeping eyes, open mouth with two top teeth, brown nylon wig on bent straight limb body, 31 cm. Marked monogram B5 Germany | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille bisque doll, brown stationary eyes, brown mohair wig on jointed composition body, 46 cm. Marked 1894 A.M. 4 DEP (hairline crack to back of head) | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille dream baby blue sleeping eyes closed mouth on new rag body with new bisque hands marked Am Germany 341 | *** | |
*** | Heubach bisque character baby doll, grey sleeping eyes brown real hair wig on composition bent limb body (replaced arms) marked Heubach Koppelsdorf 320.5 Germany | *** | |
*** | Kley & Hahn bisque character boy doll, with sleeping blue eyes painted features on ball jointed composition body marked K&H 166-4 (head totally damaged) | *** | |
*** | 'Caroline' Simon & Halbig bisque doll blue sleeping eyes, original light brown mohair wig, pierced ears on ball jointed body 45 cm, marked Germany Handrich Handwerck Simon & Halbig 1 | *** | |
*** | Heinrich Handwerck bisque doll blue sleeping eyes pierced ears blonde hair wig on ball jointed composition body 46 cm, marked 109 - 7 1/2 Germany Handwerck | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille Character Doll, blue sleeping eyes open mouth with two top teeth brown nylon wig on bent limb body 39 cm marked Armand Marseille Germany 390 A 4 M | *** | |
*** | Small SFBJ bisque doll, all painted features, blonde mohair wig on straight limb composition body 21 cm marked SFBJ 60 Paris 13/0 | *** | |
*** | Theodor Recknagel bisque doll brown eyes, two top teeth blonde mohair wig on jointed body 34 cm marked R 86 a 4/0 wearing antique outfit and undergarments | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille bisque doll blue eyes, brown mohair wig on 5 piece bent/straight limb body 29 cm marked... 560 a 10/0 M Drm R 232/1 | *** | |
*** | All bisque Googly character doll, stationary blue googly eyes closed mouth brown mohair wig on 5 piece bent straight limb body with painted socks and shoes 14.5 cm, marked 401 14 possibly Armand Marseille with Au Nain Bleu Paris paper label to chest,… | *** | |
*** | C F Kling & Co bisque Belton type dome head shoulder plate doll, stationary blue eyes, closed mouth new dark mohair wig on rag body with bisque lower arms and legs 30 cm, marked 123 bell monogram | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille Brown Bisque Dream Baby, brown sleeping eyes, closed mouth on bent limb body 22 cm marked AM Germany 341/0 K | *** | |
*** | SFBJ Bisque Character Boy Doll, stationary blue eyes, moulded features on jointed body 38 cm, marked SFBJ 226 Paris 4 | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille Doll, brown sleeping eyes, light brown mohair wig on ball jointed body 51 cm, marked Armand Marseille Germany 390 A 3 M | *** | |
*** | Light blue sleeping eyes, blonde hair wig on French jointed body 50 cm, marked SFBJ 60 Paris 2, together with another SFBJ doll on new. Composition body (both with damage to heads) | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille bisque doll blue sleeping eyes with lashes, brown nylon wigon ball jointed body 63 cm, marked Armand Marseille Germany 390 a & M | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille bisque doll blue sleeping eyes light brown mohair wig on ball jointed composition walking body with working voice box 69 cm, marked Armand Marseille Germany 390 a 9 M | *** | |
*** | Small German all bisque doll all painted features with blonde mohair wig 12 cm | *** | |
*** | Small Armand Marseille bisque doll, dark stationary eyes, brown mohair wig on straight limb composition body 18 cm marked Germany a 12/0 M vintage dressing of a nun | *** | |
*** | A Lanternier & Cie bisque doll, blue stationary eyes, pierced ears, brown mohair wig on jointed composition body 35 cm, marked Limoges 4 SFBJ bisque doll, blue stationary eyes, light brown hair wig on composition straight limb body 36 cm marked 24 France… | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille bisque doll, blue sleeping eyes, original blonde mohair wig on 'Stick' leg jointed composition body 44 cm marked 1894 a M 4 DEP made in Germany | *** | |
*** | 'Moira' Simon & Habig 1249 Santa bisque doll brown eyes, santa mark to lip with top row of teeth, brown mohair wig on jointed body 38 cm marked S & H 1249 Dep Germany 4 1/2 | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille black bisque character baby brown stationary eyes pierced ears on 5 piece bent limb body 23 cm marked Am Germany 362/0K | *** | |
*** | Schoenau & Hoffmeister brown bisque toddler doll, brown eyes, black mohair wig on 5 piece bent/straight limb body 23 cm, marked S Pb H Hanna 8/0 | *** | |
*** | Bisque shoulder plate doll will moulded features with stylized hair and black ribbon on rag body with bisque lower limbs 29 cm unmarked with original undergarments and skirt | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille bisque dream baby doll blue sleeping eyes closed mouth on bent limb body 18.5 cm marked a M Germany 341/5/0K | *** | |
*** | New Kestner all bisque four headed, character doll all in replica box 24 cm | *** | |
*** | Heubach painted bisque baby doll blue sleeping eyes blonde mohair wig on bent limb composition body 39 cm marked Heubach Koppelsdorf 320.0 Germany (crack to left fore-head) | *** | |
*** | SFBJ bisque doll, stationary dark pupiless eyes, light brown mohair wig on French straight limb body, 39 cm wearing original cotton chemise, sock and shoes, marked R SFBJ 60 Paris 4/o | *** | |
*** | Chad valley all cloth character doll, painted features with brown mohair on rag body with original Art Deco style yellow velvet fur trim winter coat with matching hat and boots 46 cm | *** | |
*** | Bahr & Proschild bisque character baby doll, blue stationary eyes, no teeth light brown mohair wig on 5 piece bent limb body 57 cm, marked heart BP 585 M 14 i Germany | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille bisque dream baby, blue sleeping eyes, open mouth with two bottom teeth on composition bent limb body, 42 cm. Marked A.M. Germany 351/4.K. | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille Doll, brown sleeping eyes, brown nylon wig on jointed body 30 cm marked Armand Marseille Germany 390 A 5/0 M | *** | |
*** | Un-identified bisque doll brown sleeping eyes dark brown hair wig on jointed composition body 45 cm, marked 8 | *** | |
*** | Bisque shoulder plate doll pin cushion intaglio painted features dress as a Welsh girl | *** | |
*** | Small German all bisque toddler doll, stationary brown eyes closed mouth brown mohair wig on bent limb body 9.5 cm (repair to leg) with other bisque doll on new body | *** | |
*** | Max Handwerck bisque doll, brown sleeping eyes original brown mohair wig on ball jointed composition body 46 cm marked 283/265. Max Handwerck Germany 0 1/4 | *** | |
*** | J D Kestner bisque shoulder plate doll brown eyes dark brown nylon wig on leather body with bisque hands 44 cm marked 7. Over 148 | *** | |
*** | SFBJ bisque doll all painted features closed mouth with blonde mohair wig on French straight limb body 31 cm marked France Sfjb 60 Paris 11/o | *** | |
*** | Possible Cuno & Otto Dressel bisque shoulder plate doll blue stationary eyes closed mouth with white mohair wig on moulded head, rag body with trade mark 'Poppy Doll' stamp 26 cm marked 14/0 | *** | |
*** | Porzellanfabrik Mengersgereuth bisque character baby doll, blue sleeping eyes blonde mohair wig open mouth with two top teeth on 5 piece bent limb composition body 37 cm, marked P.M. 23 Germany | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille bisque doll, blue sleeping eyes, brown mohair wig on jointed composition body 57 cm, marked Armand Marseille 390 a 4. M | *** | |
*** | 'Paul' Heubach bisque character doll all painted features on ball jointed composition body 33 cm, marked Germany 3 (repair needed to head) together with same doll No1 shoulder plate on rag body (missing arms) 29 cm | *** | |
*** | 'Antonia' Heinrich Handwerck bisque doll blue stationary eyes, pierced ears, brown nylon wig on 'Stick leg' jointed body 57 cm, marked 11 1/2 99 Dep Germany Handwerck 3 | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille bisque doll brown sleeping eyes, brown mohair wig on ball jointed composition body needs re-stringing missing one ball joint 67 cm together with Armand Marseille a 9 M head (no eyes) on part composition body and composition shoulder plate | *** | |
*** | Small German all bisque doll, stationary blue eyes, closed mouth, light brown mohair wig on 5pce body with moulded shoes and socks (chip to neck socket) together with other 11 cm, 8 cm | *** | |
*** | Small German all bisque doll similar as above lot | *** | |
*** | Bergmann bisque doll, brown sleeping eyes, original blonde mohair wig on ball jointed composition body 56 cm marked made in Germany C M Bergmann | *** | |
*** | Gebruder Heubach 'Coquette' bisque character shoulder plate doll all painted features on leather body 36 cm square Heubach mark 2 | *** | |
*** | 'Lilly' Bahr & Proschild bisque shoulder plate doll, brown sleeping eyes new red mohair wig on jointed leather body 40 cm | *** | |
*** | Large German bisque nude half head doll, all painted features with white mohair wig (chip to hand) 14 cm | *** | |
*** | Small German character boy doll, on rag body with bisque lower limbs 10 cm | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille Doll, brown sleeping eyes, light brown mohair wig on jointed walking mechanism composition body 56 cm marked Armand Marseille Germany 390 A 5 M | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille Doll, brown sleeping eyes, brown mohair wig on jointed body 64 cm, marked Armand Marseille Germany 390 A 10 M | *** | |
*** | Heubach Character Baby, brown sleeping eyes, two top teeth, pierced nostrils, working voice box, brown mohair wig on bent limb body 52 cm marked Heubach Koppelsdorf 320.4 Germany | *** | |
*** | Small SFBJ Doll, sleeping dark blue eyes, light brown mohair wig on straight limb body 23 cm, marked standard under wig wearing original French national costume with tinplate vehicle | *** | |
*** | Small Bisque Doll, all painted features, brown mohair wig on straight limb body with moulded boot 13 cm, marked 39 18 Germany, wearing original Scottish outfit | *** | |
*** | Armand Marseille bisque doll brown eyes dark brown hair wig on jointed body 34 cm marked 1894 a M 2/0 Dep made in Germany | *** | |
*** | Possible Kling bisque shoulder plate character doll all painted and moulded features with sculptured blonde hair leather body with bisque hands 44 cm marked 199 | *** | |
*** | De Fuisseaux bisque character doll all painted moulded features, closed mouth dark brown mohair wig on bent/straight limb 5 piece body 23 cm (repair to right moulded shoe foot) marked D. F. G. Belgium C1910 | *** | |
*** | French Belton type bisque doll flange head with blue stationary eyes, closed mouth, brown mohair wig on straight limb body with moulded shoes and grey socks 24 cm unmarked | *** | |