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Auction House:
Guy Earl-Smith & Antiquity
Number of lots recorded:12
Lots with images:12
Prices available:12
Oil Paintings and Acrylics
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*** Paddy Fordham, (-2006), Katherine, NT, Wainburranga, crocodile, acrylic on canvas, inscribed verso 150 x 110 cm ***
*** Bill Harney, Katherine, NT, title unknown, acrylic on canvas, 128 x 196 cm ***
*** Bill Harney, Katherine, NT, title unknown, acrylic on canvas, 137 x 115 cm ***
*** Bill Harney, Katherine, NT, title unknown, acrylic on canvas, 124 x 127 cm ***
*** Bill Harney, Katherine, NT, title unknown, acrylic on canvas, 125 x 109 cm ***
*** Artist unknown, NT, Untitled, acrylic on canvas, 136 x 96.5 cm ***
*** John Suine, Papua New Guinea Yaitape Disasta (Tidal wave), acrylic on canvas, some damage / tear to canvas, 112 x 144 cm ***
*** David Watts, Katherine, NT Title Unknown, Acrylic on canvas 64 x 95 cm ***
*** Edward (Wamut) Blitner, (b.1961), NT Untitled Acrylic on canvas 139 x 136.5 cm ***
*** David Moolooloo, Roper river, NT, three works: title unknown; Mookita Spiritman; Mookita spirit Dancers, acrylic on canvas, 130 x 90 cm. 123 x 44 cm. 60 x 130 cm (3) ***
*** A.Griffiths, two paintings, titles unknown, acrylic on canvas, inscribed on verso 61 x 51 cm, 51 x 41 cm (2) ***
*** James KeraPapua New Guinea, 1999, Wel Kenu ipairap na ol duk duk I ranawe. Long helikopta, acrylic on canvas, 104 x 97 cm ***