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Auction House:
Watson's Auctioneers (No longer trading)
Number of lots recorded:12
Lots with images:12
Prices available:12
Oil Paintings and Acrylics
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*** J. S. Holland Pick rock, Polperro, Cornwall, oil on canvas, signed and titled lower left 49.3 x 75 cm ***
*** J Storer, portrait of a gentleman with a book, oil on tile 15.5 x 13 cm ***
*** Victorian gilt framed oil portrait of a young woman. 615 mm diameter ***
*** Charles Farrell, before the Race, oil on board, signed 62 x 75.5 cm ***
*** B Chapwick Chickens feeding, oil on canvas, signed 60 x 90 cm original gilt frame ***
*** T Laurent, French, sailing ships, oil on canvas, signed 48.5 x 58.5 cm ***
*** B Templeton Flipsy & Flopsy, oil on panel, signed 19.5 x 24 cm beautiful gilt frame ***
*** 20th century artist Tavern scene, oil on canvas, signed ***
*** Gilt framed oil painting ***
*** Marshall Scottish scene oil on board, signed and titled 21.5 x 28.5 cm ***
*** Australian oil painting ***
*** V. O. Heinz, Hillside, oil on board signed and dated '73, 28 x 38 cm ***