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Auction House:
Number of lots recorded:5
Lots with images:5
Prices available:5
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*** Bernard Hesling, Australian, b. 1905 England, d. Adelaide 1987, Measure me for my spacesuit, An enamel on copper, 61 x 30 cm. Provenance: Greenville Galleries, Adelaide, Private Collection, Melbourne ***
*** Greg Irvine, Australian, Vase and table, acrylic on paper, 56 x 38 cm ***
*** John Skeaping, English, b.London 1901, d.1980, young fawn, pencil on paper, 30 x 40 cm ***
*** An original framed 'Doctor Zhivago' cinema advertising poster on coloured paper, height 72.5, width 33 cm ***
*** Melbourne, From the South-Side of the Yarra Yarra, 1839, drawn by J. Adamson and engraved by J.Carmichael, engraving, hand coloured,. Dimensions: 18 cm by 36 cm ***